Monday 30 May 2016

The wonder tree

In the 201980's I planted a  seed and it grew into a tree it was amagi                 

In the 1980s I planted a seed and it grew into a tree. It was a magical tree i saw a door on it and I went
In the tree and it teleported  me in to the 2019. And  l saw the. Fwtwre me. I looked young and metal. I had a metal face, I was half robot and half human. I had a jet pack and I had a robot gun.

Reflection: in writing I am learning to add detail to make my story interesting. I am proud because I am checking my punctuation. I need to improve on adding adjectives.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Sloppy Tiger and the Party

WALT make connections in the text.

Write 2 Sentences about something this story reminds you of.
  1. In  my  frinsbrthday  a  boy   hit   connor  luku   on   the  nose.

2.   And   some oun   brok  a  toy  gun

How did this story make you feel?
  1. Happy because it reminds me having fun at parties.

Reflection: In reading I am learning to make connections in my own words. I feel proud because I can read chapter books. I need to improve on understanding new words.

Friday 6 May 2016

explain everything

My Reflection:
I was learning to solve addition and subtraction by imaging tens frames that involve crossing over from one column to solve the answer. I feel proud because I can add numbers together. I need to improve on counting in 2 5 and 10s