Wednesday 21 November 2018

Crown Jewels Stolen

in this activity i had to write a news paper report. i can now do this confidently. i can now write a news paper report. my next steps are to spell correctly. I could do this by using a dictionary or working with a buddy.

Monday 20 August 2018

place value comepare

in this activity i had to find facts about a number

Monday 13 August 2018


WAL write a persuasive speech

Success Criteria:
- Introduction introduces topic and states opinions
- 1 idea per paragraph
- Persuasive techniques used to add evidence/reason
- Strong conclusion that includes a call to action and restates position

In this activity I had to write a persuasive speech. I wrote about clowns. it was hard because i had to find lots of different reasons.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Explanation Writing

in this activity I had to write an explanation about how to make a bug habitat. I could write this by myself. I wrote sequencing words like first, then. I wrote technical words like bug cave, habitat, spiders. Next time I will use less teacher support.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

critiquing an explanation

In this activity  i had to critiquing an Explanation i am still learning about sequencing words. my next steps are to learn more about technical words.

Friday 25 May 2018

Explanation Writing

My Reflection
WALT identify the features of an explanation.The features found are the conclusion introduction and sequencing words. I am still learning to write a Balanced Argument in my writing.

Monday 9 April 2018

math brain

on this activity I had to put the numbers in the  right order from biggest to next steps are to put fractions in the correct order!

the brains

we had to copy the questions about the brain and then we had to work out what the answers are. we were learning to answer questions in full sentences. Next time I will make sure all of my answers include the question topic so they make sense.

news paper reeport

My reflection
I am learning to make a news paper re port
I found it hard because it had a brain storm
next  time  I will  focused on my work

Friday 23 February 2018

respect certificate

This is my respect certificate. Woops its upside down! I got this by taking care for others and using your manners. Iḿ trying my best to get resilience.

Thursday 15 February 2018

That was summer

Remember when me and my cozen were ridging bikes together ?
Remember when we were ridging bikes we filet like rocks and wind?
that was my summer

Remember when me and my nephew and niece and my cousin  were playing hide and seek?
remember  when we had mashed potatoes  and broccoli  it was yummy and delicious?
that was summer

in this activity i had  to recount my weekend i had to use describe words. It was tricky. next i will add lots of describing words so it sounds more intrsting.

Friday 9 February 2018

welcome post 2018

welcome to my year 5 blog.this year i am in room 15 and my teacher is miss fisher.I enjoy playing ps4.a goal i have this year is to achieve all of my challenges .i hope you enjoy my year 5 blog and leave lots of feedback