Friday 22 September 2017

No Big Deal - Making Predicitons

My Reflection

In this activity my task was to make a prediction about what would happen in the book. I found this easy because I read the first page. My next steps are to make sure I finish my follow ups on time.

Fact or Opinion - Persuasive Writing

In this activity my task was to work out whether the sentences were facts or opinions. I found this tricky because it was hard to read the information. My next steps are to read the information carefully.

Mathletics Screencasting

my reflection

In this activity my task was to complete an activity on Mathletics and screecast it. I fond this tricky because...some are hard some are easy.   my next seeps is get good at maths and minus.

Parachute at Youthtown

my reflection
in this activity we play parachute i enjoyed  spinning cooper.