Friday 27 June 2014

Principal's Award

Yesterday at assembly I got a Principal's Award because I have been working very hard this term.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

A Winter Tree at Sunrise

We are learning to draw trees. We drew the tree with black vivid and then dyed the background with sunrise colours. Then we added the seven Matariki stars. colours.

PMP is Fun

PMP is fun. We enjoy using the equipment and moving to music.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

I Am Learning to Write a Silly Sentence

In phonics we are learning to sound out three letter words. We are listening for the beginning, the middle and end sounds. We practise reading and writing the words. We can then remember to do this when we read our books.

"I forgot my finger spaces so it is tricky to read my silly sentence. My sentence says: The pin is in the red tin. I forgot the capital at the beginning too."

Wednesday 11 June 2014

I Am Learning to Write a Story About Winter

We are learning to write on a topic. We wrote a story about why we like Winter in our books. Then we drew a picture on Kidpix and published our stories.

"I still find it tricky to remember my finger spaces. I can write more than one sentence now. I like drawing on the computer."