Wednesday 20 February 2019

The year 6 vibe !

I am very happy that i'm in room 19 and i'm a  milk monitor and my teachers are Mrs Graham and Mrs Howard.  Ive got some of friends in room 19 like  Connor  and Sean and Jerry  Misha, Alex. do the teachers likes sharks.

`Our class is a rock'con roll classImage result for rock'in roll gifs
we like to play a lot of music but the
best about year 6 is camp MERC

we do a lot of art and we do SSR and lots of lots of Maths and timeImage result for Reading books gifs

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Crown Jewels Stolen

in this activity i had to write a news paper report. i can now do this confidently. i can now write a news paper report. my next steps are to spell correctly. I could do this by using a dictionary or working with a buddy.

Monday 20 August 2018

place value comepare

in this activity i had to find facts about a number